It’s May 13, 2020


So many things have happened since I posted about watching MY GOLDEN LIFE. I have seen many wonderful dramas since this. I should be busy because I handle about 200 personal injury cases on my own. Well, I have two paralegals, but all the directing, trial, and movement of the case is all mine. However, I make time for drama. I trade my sleep for it. (It’s probably making me fat…watching TV while not exercising).

I took my mother to South Korea for her October birthday trip. That picture above is from that trip. It was wonderful. We went on a hike, quite a few times. Around that time, we were told to stay away from DMZ because there’s a new type of flu that was floating around. We were fine with not going to DMZ because there are so much of South Korea we could see. I’ll have to post about it another time.

When COVID started and we were forced to work from home, I would sneak into the office because I like my multiple screen. I gave up my desk top sometime in 2014, while I was still in law school. I have a lap top which I used to take the bar exam in July 2015. My iPad Pro could access my remote office, but it is not as efficient use of my time. Then, two weeks ago, I decided to use my lap top and really WFH. I have not been back to my office yet.

October 2019. Went to Gangneung with my mama and baby brother.

Our firm informed us that our offices will open again, though limited and with much care. Bo hooo. I am just getting used to working from home. I took my first deposition at home. Yesterday. I set up Google Phone to contact clients and adjusters. It is great. I can keep it separate from my cell phone. Why have I not considered Google Phone before? I love the ease of using it. I love the ease of sending text to my clients who are not great with answer phone calls.

I have not posted in a long while. I have been meaning to, but I write and write and write ad nauseum for a living. No wonder I am not blogging as much as I wanted to. In a week, it will be a year since I started practicing in personal injury law. I am enjoying my work – prepping for trials and sometimes losing on motions.